Monday, April 12, 2010

News Updates

A lot has happened since my last post...the most significant piece of news is that I'm pregnant! As of this post I am 9 weeks along. We found out around 5 weeks and decided it was too difficult to wait to tell friends and family so we spilled the beans early. Needless to say Troy and I are thrilled! This was a planned pregnancy even though a lot of people think we're crazy to have two babies 18 months apart. Just this last week I've been wrought with morning sickness which is really all-day sickness. Constant nausea that comes and goes accompanied with food aversions or really just an aversion to food in general. Nothing sounds good to eat.

Yesterday I participated in the Race for the Roses 5k event with two friends from work. I finished the race with a pace of 13 minutes/mile which isn't my best performance but considering I felt sick all morning I'd say that was pretty good. Troy was there to cheer me on and met me at the finish line. It was a lot of fun. However...when we got home, I was pretty much stuck to the couch for the rest of the day severely sick and exhausted. I only threw up once but it was the first time since I've been pregnant. I was definitely not this sick with Mason.

Another first happened yesterday as well, Mason had his first sleep over at my mom's house. We dropped him off at 5pm the previous night and picked him back up at 11am the next morning. The idea was for me to be able to get a good night's rest but with me feeling ill and the anticipation of the race the next morning, needless to say I didn't sleep well at all. Oh well, Mason had a blast at my mom's and slept great, only waking up at 4:30a for her and sleeping again until 8:30a. It's nice to know he does well over-night and that if needed again this is an option.

Well we're gearing up for Mason's birthday in a couple of weeks. I can't believe how fast the year has gone. He's almost walking independently. He takes about 6-8 steps on his own and then sits down. He's growing so fast and I just love watching his little personality develop. His actual birthday falls on a Tuesday so Troy and I are taking the day off of work to spend with it him. We're getting his pictures taken and probably having a mini celebration at home. Then on the following Saturday we will have the party with family. It's an exciting month and I should have more to post about in the weeks to come about pregnancy and Mason.

Until next time...