Monday, January 25, 2010


To Mason:
Soon you will be nine months old and that means big things for you. Only three months until your first birthday! I'm so excited to plan your party and celebrate the exciting year we've had. Lately we've been working on have made yourself very comfortable sleeping between mommy and daddy on a nightly basis and it's time to begin the transition back to your bed. You take naps there, so let's start sleeping at night there as well. You are still crawling everywhere and cruising around the couch and using anything in your path to use as a handrail, including people. I'm starting to have some thoughts about weaning but I'm still debating on waiting until your first birthday. You recently cut four teeth within only a couple weeks of each other. All on the upper level. The last one just finished poking it's way through about a week ago. I'd say this is an impressive feat, cutting four simultaneously like that. Needless to say I cut you some slack with all of the whining and crying and let's not forget the nights where we would only get about 3-4 hours of sleep. I'm glad you are back to sleeping through the night but it would be nice if you could accomplish this task in your crib. Soon we will be moving to our new condo and I'm hoping that will be a jumping off point to your sleeping independently. Don't worry we will not let you cry it out and work yourself into hysterics. I will write again on your nine month day.
With all the love in the world,

Monday, January 4, 2010

Eight Months

Dear Mason,
Today you are eight months old. You are effectively crawling everywhere and pulling yourself up to stand on everything. Yesterday you aquired a third tooth and I expect the fourth to be on its way anytime now. You exude cuteness everyday and I sometimes wonder if you will ever comprehend how much Daddy and I love you. I enjoy and cherish every nano second with you and my life would not be complete without you in our family. I love you SO much.
Hugs and Kisses,

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Snaggle Tooth

Today a third tooth has popped through. Last night was hell, and that's an understatement. The little bugger wouldn't sleep, and when he was sleeping it was a fitful tossing and turning. There was a lot of crying and fussing. This morning on a hunch I felt around his gums and sure enough, one of his lateral incisors on the top has come in. The one on the opposite side is pretty swollen so I expect that one to erupt in the near future. After realizing his anguish last night, I felt sorry for him. It's interesting to note that the lateral incisors are supposed to come in after the central incisors on top and bottom. Being that he has his bottom two central incisors you would expect the top to come in next. But for now he will just have a snaggle tooth on the top until the rest fill in up top in the front. Every time he cuts another tooth I get a little misty eyed when I realize how much he's growing and that it's going by so quickly.