Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Moving Forward

Friday is the big day - moving day. Packing and preparing the condo for vacancy is a huge hassle with a 9 1/2 month old. Finding time to pack between all other daily duties that go along with a baby is extremely time consuming. I've been able to get through packing 1-2 boxes with him content in his crib or pack-n-play but as soon as it's time to tape up the box, all hell breaks loose. He is terrified of the noise the packing tape makes when you apply it to the box. He starts screaming and huge tears roll down his plump little cheeks. The poor guy, I'm assuming this noise is equivalent to nails on a chalk board or something along those lines. Nonetheless the boxes must be sealed. I'm excited to move into our new condo. It will be MUCH closer to family and especially work. We've lived in these condos previously and loved them. They feature a nice park and greenspace with a path for walks and my new jogging regimen. I'm way excited. Also this condo is equipped with A/C, another huge plus. If this summer brings a heat wave like last, we will be prepared. Bring it!

Mason's latest accomplishments include making the tooth total 7! He's also getting more comfortable on his feet and cruises around the furniture like a pro. He's trying new foods all the time and it's fun watching him discover likes and dislikes. Sleeping has gotten somewhat better. He is battling a cold at the moment so that tends to set the sleep pattern back a bit. The other night I would like to boast that he slept in his crib, yes HIS crib, until 3:15am which is when he started crying and was brought to our bed to finish out the morning. Every night now he starts out in his own bed and then comes to our bed sometime in the late hours. I see this as a step in the right direction. Troy and I are rewarded everyday by Mason's presence and can't wait to see what the future has in store.