Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Art of Silence

As I was putting Little Mister to bed tonight I reflected upon the art of silence. Dwelling in a two-story condo means the dreaded creaky floor. This combined with my clumsiness and the ringing phone can obviously set one up for failure when it comes to the bedtime ritual. He was fast asleep in my arms, when I stood up from the rocking chair. Ever so carefully I transferred his precious head from the crook of my arm to my hand. Avoiding the well known creaky spots in the floor I lowered him onto the mattress. So far so good. Rubbing his head against the mattress he situated himself comfortably all the while still sleeping. Just as I was retrieving my arms from the crib, my clumsiness kicked in. Smack! My elbow against the railing. His swaddled legs fly up in the air and hit the mattress with a poof! Still sleeping. I tip-toe my way out of the room only touching on one creaky spot. I slowly close the door, taking care to turn the door handle before fully shutting the door. Just as the door was closing, the phone rings. I linger outside his door wondering if the whole thing has been derailed. Not hearing a disturbance I continue down the stairs. Tonight's bedtime, a success.

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